Come for Tea!

Patterns, context, surprises, broken hearts, abandonment, addictions, and children of mercy are all things we sometimes cope with as humans.

This said the human brain is constantly seeking three things: meaning, patterns, and an absence of threat. 

Imagine: I approach you in the forest and invite you into my cottage. I then ask you to come up the stairs to my front door. Let us say you have no knowledge or experience with stairs. You may not wish to cooperate and instead, be thoroughly confused.

Yet if I tell you that the trees you climb with foot-holds to get to your treehouse at the top, are much the same as stairs/steps, you may find a clearness of purpose. You may then walk up my steps easily and with a smile. Now the steps have meaning for you!

The second area of interest for our brains is that of patterns. If my service dog stares at me when I eat a banana, it is easy to dismiss this as simply being in that moment. However, if he stares at me every time  I eat a banana (a pattern would be three or more times), it may mean he actually wants me to take action and give him a bite! 

A third aspect our brain seeks is that of an absence of threat. If, when entering my cottage I sense the presence of someone unknown inside, my brain will become reactive to this fear and I will flee.

However, if I enter my cottage which has meaning as being a place where I thrive, using a well-known pattern of entry, and is considered safe having no threat present, then my brain is calm.


In all ways. Come for tea! 

Author & Photographer: Fawn Rising ©
2021 September 27, 2021 
Le Lac du mon Père
Crystal Lake Florida U.S.A. Earth