I’d Really Like You to Know…

Read this. Think, reflect, and meander around  the major points. You matter. Those of us battling an allergic reaction to alcohol, or, an inability to process it due to surgical changes in our abdomens, have discovered multiple reasons not to indulge. Especially if we are at all vain ~ which I am. It can change our brain […]

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Life by Design

My goal is to live life by design not by default. I wish to be a realist using facts and choices. It seems more and more difficult though to be certain of the truth. Where is it? When can I truly count on it? How will I know? Yes, humans can be angry uncaring, manipulative, […]

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And So It Is

Well-meaning family and friends can trigger Atrial fibrillation jump-starts Panic disorders Anxiety Severe depression End-of-life thoughts Syncope Seizures Loss of breath Loss of speech Loss of appetite A desire to be numb A desire for mind-altering drugs Fainting As well as A bit of joy A huge amount of joy Laughter Comradery Thoughtfulness Desire A feeling […]

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Thrasher Thug Thinks

My friends scream when I sing They fall down, off their branches And begin to imitate me “Que sera, sera Whatever will be, will be The future’s not ours to see Que sera, sera… what will be, will be…” When I was a little Thug my mother told me “Thrasher Thug! you better wash your feathers […]

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My Anchor

The prospect of having a new romance at the end of the first decade of my third trimester of living runs the gamut from sheer giddiness to loathsome disgust toward my desire for creature comforts. Why? Why, indeed. Why not? Why care? Why engage in my fantasy for deep affection from another human being? Is […]

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