Riding On Wings

Nine months of self-isolation Recurring generosities ripen as friendships deepen across many miles while some become strangers Miracles daily sparkle with depth and high contrast ~ Demeaning depression blocks then darkens the doorway as it manifests out the door up the hill and into the waste management trucks. Multiple family estrangements tease me and tempt […]

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Do You Know Bruno?

He comes to stare each day and watches My front door to the lake cottage at the top of the steps waiting and waiting then when all is PERFECT He barks his salutation and waits and waits for PRIZES. Which he gets. Thrown in an arc he avoids catching instead allowing them to fall on […]

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Fawn Rises

Papa tells me. Oh, yes, he tells me! He tells me of the graciousness of the Japanese. We are among the first American military families to enter Japan at the end of World War II. The Japanese are deeply kind. We are not a wealthy family, yet we are accustomed to a privileged lifestyle involving […]

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Rocket-Man Goes to the Vet

The Catch: How does Rocket-Man know? Placing him into his kitty transport is nothing more than a cartoon of “kitty truancy”. I try turning the transport on its back, placing his hind feet first into the box. He stretches and freezes his body so I cannot get him inside. I try to take one limb […]

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