The Gift I Have to Give



Reeking of guttural sensitivity
for the moment I am in
many times has induced others to
call me “overly sensitive”.


It used to cause a thrashing
around within my heart.


Then, at other times
it is a debilitating process memory.


Now, it seems to be my primary gift
to the world and to
my First Nation and Irish Great Spirits.


It is as though I have awakened. 


My sense of being sensitive
is now acknowledged
by me
as God-given
and I wish to honor it.


I wish to pay attention to it,
walk with it,
emblaze it,
and explore it.


May I say I love it today
and no longer care
if someone questions
my methodologies
(my reasons for using a specific method for embracing my actions).


Listening to my gut instincts
is primordial,
and informative.


It serves me well.


Many times I enjoin it with meditation and prayer. 


The greatest impact
seems to be on
familial bearings . . .


 much like a “life compass”
draped across my heart. 



Poetry & Illustration by FawnRising©2021

March 27, 2021

Le Lac du mon Père

Crystal Lake Florida U.S.A. Earth