And They Called Her Suffering

And for that, she was grateful…

you see, as winged nature sailed

over God’s freshwater lakes,

their wings glistening and soaring,

they exposed to her

pathways of hope.

Just as we suffer muscles

to make them stronger,

so do we gain strength

from the suffering of our

core natures. 


Suffering believed her name

was an anchor for the

rest of the natural world.


While much of nature traversed

the highways of sincere goodness,

sometimes high above her,

she would touch them

by burying her face into them

and humming sacred songs

into their feathered wings.

She did. 


Suffering hummed music into

the majestic feathered wings of birds. 


For out of Suffering comes strength. 


Poetry & Illustration by FawnRising©2021
April 1, 2021
Le Lac du mon Père
Crystal Lake Florida U.S. A. Earth