A Shredded Heart Finds Joy


Over the years, having lost two of my own three children,

I filter 

joy every possible moment…

My very firstborn grandchild is Ian Gray Hazzard

who is about to turn 22 years old.

He has a grand spirit of communication, kindness, and is impeccably

aware of circumstantial modifications taking place in the world.

Away on a college scholarship in broadcasting and music,

we text weekly which never fails to cheer my heart.

Watching another one of my grandsons while at a family picnic

for Mothers’ Day

~ his name is Jesse Murphey Dunn ~

I am astonished to realize he is about to turn 19 years old

with a marvelously athletic body of six feet and five inches.

I watch as he sits on the steps of the church

after church services with little ones squealing and climbing all over him.

They are screaming with laughter and glory.

 Another grandson, Simon Claude Dunn, 17 years old,

pulls out his driving license

to share with me my first look at his truly inspirational headshot!

He works the entire sound system for the church,

possesses a magical musical sense,

and works the church equipment from far in the back of the church.

He is brilliant.

Yet another grandchild is an unstoppable athlete and is

named Wyatt Richard Dunn (turning 16 very soon).

He seems to gently stay just a bit alone ~

perhaps preferring to explore the world of his mind

with a bit more space.

He is brilliant as well and speaks with the flow and thought of

leading a congregation of believers.

My grandson, sweetly brilliant Oliver Keith Dunn,

14 years of age, is running circles

around other children

playing soccer in the church front grounds.

Always ready with hugs and smiles while keeping

all present included in playing any game.

A granddaughter, Erin Liberty Dunn, eleven years old, appears

to be wrangling very successfully

with myriad mood changes

her heart presents to her,

yet finds ways to connect with

each and every

family member

with abundant grace.

 Lastly, there is another granddaughter

already nine ~ Julia Grace Dunn.

She is filled with glory, humor, happiness, and joy.

She loves to create scenarios for play-acting and to climb trees ~

just like this grandmother!

And my heart feels the Peace of Christ

and the power of God’s bliss. 


Photography by Katrine & Keith Dunn
Poetry by FawnRising ©2021
May 10, 2021
Le Lac du mon Père
Crystal Lake Florida USA Earth