My Heart Will Beat

My heart will beat with the


of a newly born soul

Held tightly in the arms of the Great Spirit

who sees

inside those standing near her

without fear

without tremor

without judgment spilling over.


I will breed new life within my depression-storing

and anxiety-inducing responses


even the agony of stopping too soon.

Too soon.

I will lift my gifts and defects

in thanks for the suffering;

I will be grateful to the Great Spirit

for this rocky




a road called life.

Reaping the gifts of experiences

too fragile to reveal as God’s trudge through

using me

teaching me

allowing me

to manifest a greater imagined connection

to all ~

even the angry burned-by-hot fears

and users covered by non-loving moments

and humans of scorched understandings.

For it is also my belief that

I will be thankful for

the horrific and the noble

the stench and the fresh

the ignoring and the counting on

the tangible touches of lost destinies

along with the victories too amended

to be believed.

Yes. The victories and the losses

too amended to be believed.

I will continue

in a blaze of love for all.


Art & Poetry by FawnRisingLace2017©
October 1, 2017
Le Lac du mon Père
Crystal Lake Florida USA Earth