Just A’lookin’ Over Her Shoulder!

House Wren: Notable for its effervescent song, the house wren is a common summer inhabitant of scrublands and woodland edges throughout much of North America. Variation in plumage and call notes are extensive. Polytypic. Length 4.7″.


DaiSuki the Tuxedo Cat lives at a cobbled-together lake place comprised of parts of cottages from the 1940s. He is stalking a little teenaged House Wren.

Boom! He pounces on her and catches her, ever so gently, in his mouth. Leaping over the fence into the animal run he carefully carries her into the downstairs Art Studio and allows her to run around a bit so he can play-fight with her.

The Little Bird Wren begins singing and knocking over art supplies, statues, and paint brushes as she explores the studio. DaiSuki the Tuxedo Cat enjoys the antics of Little Bird Wren.

Soon everyone grows tired and falls asleep.

DaiSuki’s mistress, The Writer, comes upon the napping twosome and scurries to catch Little Bird Wren to set her free. Unsuccessful for hours,  the Writer grows weary and wearily trudges upstairs to bed for the night.

At around 3:00 am there is more singing followed by a terrible crash wakening the entire house. The Writer discovers Little Bird Wren has flown up the stairs and knocked over all the family crystal on the foyer buffet.

Sadly it is in a million pieces of fine slivers.

The Writer thinks, “What should I so?” Suddenly she has an idea and opens the wrap-around screen-veranda on the second floor, overlooking a clear crystal lake.

Little Bird Wren falls in love with the space and flies and flies until she is again dragging her wings with fatigue. The Writer closes both kitties and the family dog inside an interior room and opens the hinged screen made for shooting her photography of the clear lake through all seasons. She walks over where Little Bird Wren is resting. Little Bird Wren begins to chirp and follow The Writer as she hops down the knee-wall to the open screen.

Little Bird Wren is so cute! She hops two hops, stops, and looks over her right shoulder at The Writer to make certain she is not too close.

“Hop! Hop! Look. Hop! Hop! Look,” squeals The Writer and laughs aloud clapping her hands in glee.

In the next moment, the little bird sees the opening and lets out a loud “Tweet, tweet!”.

She flies away toward the clear crystal waters. . . to freedom.

Art, Photography, & Story by FawnRising2018©
Le Lac du mon Père
Crystal Lake Florida USA Earth
Word Count: 423