Thank You, Dear Sister

(Spoken Word Presentation) Oh, Sister! Oh, Sister!   Oh, Sister of mine…I am grateful to you. You are a Spirit Warrior. My only sister ~ I love hearing about your life on your ranch. I love that you are bold enough to walk away from a family of origin fraught with giant red flags. There […]

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First Nation Creek Denouement

Knowing you are the elusive butterfly and heaven knows what I am your guess is as good as mine I ponder to understand the meaning of happiness especially after “dos Cuba Libre” I so miss our deep conversations where you pick my brain for information never released before. I do miss the rain and weather […]

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From Egomaniacal to Selfless

What if the mental and emotional stability of our children begs us to love them from afar leaving them without us physically in their lives? What if their struggles are NOT EVEN ABOUT US, their self-involved egomaniacal relatives? Let them go ~ let them go with the freedom to return one day with a deep […]

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A World of Possibilities

What if… What if the world’s chaos and divisiveness have been presented all along with differences more “in our faces” due to technology’s instant feed? What if we must allow “the sea to come in” instead of blocking it as we have done for centuries, thus allowing the sea to become freely-moving and fresh for […]

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I remember My brother Your heart when confronted with harshness Your athleticism in the face of victory or loss The way you squint your eyes just a bit when needing more information Your kitchen dance when sneaking food as you walk past a prepared dish for a formal family dinner, smiling the whole way Your […]

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Hush. Then Do It.

~ I am 12 years-old ~   Yes. Just hush. Just do it. Just make all those voices go away. Before I go ~ forgive Give all resentments to my higher power ~ Might I have garnered my father’s adoration in a way that upended my mother’s stability? Might this have caused confusion and disregard […]

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Yet Another Dragon to Slay

~ My first-born highly-gifted daughter, Kirsten Coeur, names this acrylic painting “Little Boy Blue Slays Dragon” ~   I live a privileged life surrounded by nature, free-roaming wild animals, pets filled with ideas for comedic stunts, and humans who are remarkable in their hopes for peace and kindness in this world.  Today, after months of […]

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Modeling Authentic Resilience

As an educator for life, I remain on a quest to educate our youth using the following concepts:  Acceptance of our struggles combined with a willingness to discuss them with family and professionals;   Without The above choices, we are robbed of who we truly are and hope to become…compassionately resilient humans who nurture kindnesses […]

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Addiction’s Hijacked Centerboard

My heart Ah, my beating yet broken heart Remembering the courage The fearlessness Her bold striving to stand up to society’s loss of its centerboard. A mother’s sorrow Narrowly alive with intense anger True anger fierce lioness anger At the thoughtlessness Of relapse’s effects On the brain On her son Her baby Her shining light […]

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Water Stories of Hope

  (Usually, at first light, I fall to my knees as I roll out of my sleeping bed full of family pets. They bring me such joy. I weep and whisper.)   Namaste Universe, Great Spirit, God, Buddha, Gandhi, Jesus, & Krishna She He It They I Surrender I surrender I SURRENDER. I return to […]

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No Less Than Everything

The journey, dear God, it hurts deeply at times and at others, it is the top of the mountain. All I know to do is begin again. And again. And again ~ Until my death when I will rest with the angels and my dear Du. A child-bride of 16 with three children by twenty. […]

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First, I Am Eastern Cherokee Nation

 I identify with this Nation, and I am indeed Eastern Cherokee. I have the blood of my full-blooded great-grandmother (Cherokee society is matrilineal) who moved to North-central Florida with her Swedish husband and purchased the land upon which Duval County Metropolitan Area now sits. She did not travel the Trail of Tears.  Her name was […]

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