An Enhanced Story of Historical Fiction 1924-1943 Book I; 1944-1963 Book II; 1964-1983 Book III; 1984-2003 Book IV


(See: Edges/Prologue)

1924 As He Lay in Her Arms

1926 National record

1928 His Father’s death

1929 Mississippi Edges

1930 Edges of the International World: The writers’ colony in Paris.

1936 Margo

1940 United States Armed Forces

1942 Elizabeth

1943 The Baby That Wasn’t

——————————————————————————————Historical Fiction 1944-1963 Book II

1944 Child of Lamentation

1945 Running River

1947 Drummer Boy

1949 Japan

1950 Fawn Rising

1953 Georgia Night of the Knight

1956 Descent

1959 Rupture

1962  Valediction


Historical Fiction 1963-1984 Night of the Knight  Book III

1963 Concurrence

1964 Alliance

1966 Baby Girl Is With Child

1967 Fawn’s Discovery

1969 Fawn’s Heaven

1970 Fawn’s Trial

1971 An Angel Visits

1972 Loss

1973 Darkness

1975 Reaper

1977 Detonation

1980 Happy Family

1981 Fulmination

1982 Eclipse

1983 Captivated


Historical Fiction 1984-2003 Book IV

1984 Toneless